Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Plans for 'filter boxes'

(A) Accomodation Site
Site = Northwestern pennisular, near old water tower, sited on existing foundation lines.
  • Light - want East light (morning sun), and a little West light (afternoon sun) but not midday sun. Light quality should be 'warm'.
    • Skylight in middle of roof to let in reflected light, internal walls of skylight coloured a warm yellow.
  • Wind - protection required, mostly westerly wind

  • View - provide a focused view of the water tower (small window in West wall), and open or more difuse view of the Gulf (East end).
Overall qualities = protection, cave-like, cosy, warm

(B) ERC Site
Site = existing woolshed footprint, similar orientation.
  • Light - want East light (morning sun), no West light (afternoon sun) or midday sun. Light quality should be 'stimulating, calm, balanced' (Green).
    • Long skylight running across the roof pointing North with green internal walls to reflect light coming in as slightly green (a 'warm' green)
  • Wind - protection required, mostly westerly wind
  • View - provide a wide diffuse distant view of the Gulf (East) to give relief for workers doing close work (ie. short focal length staring at a bench/screen/microscope etc), and also of the bush (South)
Overall qualities = clean, modern, high-tech, diffuse but highly lit

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