Exercises & Schedule

The design will focus on the development of an Education Resource Centre (ERC) on Motuihe Island. It is envisaged that ERC will be the hub accommodating research, laboratory style classroom and field education activities.

ERC can become a field classroom for the conservation and other syllabus such as science, social science, health, physical education and art of Auckland area schools. It will be the facility for monitoring, fieldwork and other university level research boosting understanding of the island’s ecology and restoration change. In addition, ERC can include an office and an onisland repository for Motuihe trust materials and will also allow for corporate off-site activity days where active participation in conservation forms a theme for the event.

ERC will be associated with the meeting point central to the track network for field activities and guided walks. Restoration activities, particularly the nursery, will be integral to the Centre, which will be also adjacent to accommodation facilities supporting stay over education groups.
ERC, meeting point, nursery and accommodation will all be included in the design proposal. Given the isolation and the absence of services other than bore water, the designed building cluster will be fully integrated in the natural eco-system, including energy production as well as grey and black water treatment.

Week 2 Exercise 01: Sensorial exploration
Meeting with Matuihe Trust, site visit & sensory mapping

The quantity and quality of sensory experiences has a direct influence on the creation of our higher order thinking and processing skills. In this first exercise students are asked to produce a sensory map of the context around the ERC site (and its virtual inhabitants). This mapping includes all senses and can make use of any media.
  • Sensory map of the context around the ERC site. It can be presented using any media and representation means (e.g. pictures, videos, models, sound tracks or a combination of them).
Week 3 Exercise 02: Augmented reality.
All School production week: models
Architecture relates, mediates and projects significance. It defines horizons of perception, feeling and meaning; our perceptions and experiences of the world are significantly altered by architecture (Pallasmaa). The outcome of this exercise is a physical model (to be placed on site) that allows an augmented perception of the close/distant context.
  • Physical model (to be placed on site) of a diagrammatic space that allows an augmented perception of the close/distant context (indicative size 600x600x600 mm). The model must be complemented by on site pictures of inside-out views.
Week 4 Exercise 02: Augmented reality.
Model (600x600x600 mm) presentation (internal and to Matuihe Trust)
Week 5 Exercise 03: @ human scale
Schematic design proposal – sketches
Students are challenged to translate the model in architecture, by including context’s constrains and resources as well the human scale in its broadest sense. Human life, experience and materiality are placed at the centre of design and the context into perspective.

  • Sketches, 2D and 3D representation of ERC (including plans, elevations, sections and 3D model).
Week 6 Mid Semester Crit

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Week 7 Exercise 03: @ human scale
Developed design – ERC 2D/3D representation
Week 8 Cross Crit

Week 9 All School production week: presentation – speaking, format, content

Week 10 Exercise 04: in [e]motion
ERC 4D representation
The last achievement is the effective representation of the architecture generated by the inside-out design approach. Introducing the fourth dimension, the time, allows manipulating digital and physical models to change perspective, light, sound and overall sensorial experience.

  • 4D (time-based) representation of ERC (e.g. inside-out views, internal prospective, light studies, etc).
Week 11 Exercise 04: in [e]motion
ERC 4D representation
Week 12 Final Presentation

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