Monday, March 12, 2012

Random 4am ideas

Memory site:
  • Cordite steel & etched glass
  • Concrete & etched glass
    • To show the passing of time, plus glass for transparency with traces of past images/memories but also to keep the inside light/airy
  • Strong horizontal lines to mirror the site
  • Interior to provide a connection with flatness but feeling of being up high with fresh sea air/sea gulls
  • Naval baracks?
Need some historical pictures

Restoration site:
  • Wood, textures that reflect the bush somehow
  • Tree house - or at least the feeling of a tree house - up high, but safe and in a secret place
    • perhaps just above the current bush so it grows up around the accomodation
Need some pictures and timelines

Common elements:
  • Communal kitchen areas to faciliate interactions between guests
  • Each accomodation unit to be separate but not too far apart, with visual connections still allowing privacy
Differing layouts to suit different user profiles:
  • ACCESS: easy access for elderly/disabled people vs more difficult or less obvious access for people wanting to feel 'away from it all'
  • PROXIMITY TO OTHERS: close for those who are uncomfortable with remoteness/openess and are used to crowds of people vs a feeling of isolation for people who want that experience
  • REASON FOR BEING THERE: research/replanting vs recreation/holiday vs combination

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