Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sensory mapping - Motuihe

Two sites - on different ends of the island....

Nursery site vs Water tower site
Restoration vs Exotic
Native vs Exotic
Undulating, blending vs Stark, plains
Hope vs Sadness
Energy vs Melancholy
Activity, industry, busy vs Still, forgotten
Looking to the future vs Looking to the past
Fantails, saddleback, tui song vs Shags, sea bird calls
Cicadas vs cicadas and crickets
Fresh, invigorating, damp vs Hot, dry wind
Gulf islands vs Auckland views
Diffuse, layered views vs Open views
Organic, rich dirt, forest smells vs Dry grassland smells
Growth, rejuvenation vs Decay, death, crumbling
Maintenace vs Disrepair

Overlaps = cicadas, shipping noise, boat/yacht noises, sea views, history

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