Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Augmented reality

Exercise to create an 'augmented' reality.
  • to represent the filter you will create between yourself and the environment
  • filter will emphasise certain things and control/de-emphasise others
Water Tower Site
  1. History & remnants of past use
    1. - materials to show the passing of time
    2. - light entering the space, an oculus, to show the passing of time
  2. Horizontality, vast distant views - openings to enhance the horizontal panorama, but ones which focus the attention (smaller openings, 'zen' windows)
  3. Proximity to the sea, salty smell of the sea
  4. The water tower itself - emphasise view of the tower, provide a snapshot
  5. Feelings of disrepair, 'being forgotten' - 'crumbling'
  1. Exposure to wind and sun on at least 2 sides (prevailing wind = northwest?) - materials to give feeling of shelter (solid, depth)
Restoration Site
  1. Filtered views, enclosure but part of some larger 'enclosure' ie. the surrounding bush/trees - view to be 'diffuse' and/or only showing glimpses outside, moving walls with the wind?
  2. Secret place, high up, private
    1. can see out but people cannot see in
    2. can hear others close by but know they cannot see you (proximity to walkway & other accomodation units)
    3. acoustics - 'soft' interior to muffle interior noises, and avoid echos and sounds being transmitted outside (people cannot hear you inside)
  3. Canopy-like feeling of the tree tops - scattered light coming from above but no sharp light coming in from the sides, movement of light
  4. Sounds of birds
  5. Feeling of hope, the future - use light colours & light, curved surfaces for light to filter through
  1. Damp, cool temparature - well ventilated
  2. Dim light in amongst the trees
  3. Exposure to natural fauna eg. bugs... - not completely open (screens/mesh)
ERC (Woolshed)
  1. The past use of the site, the feeling of history, historical remnants - materials to reflect passing of time, however, see point 5 below.
  2. Solidity (strength against the elements) - materials to feel solid and strong
  3. Utility/work, thinking, researching - complexity, depth
  4. Views to the outer gulf - emphasise
  5. Feeling of moving forward, the future, reuse/remodelling  - perhaps old material used in a completely new way?, modern material combined with old?
  1. Distracting noises (other than natural ones)
  2. View of the existing accomodation view (don't want to see this) - control the view to not show this side

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