Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Feedback & Proposal


  • the materials and what could be done with them
  • rationale for things (generally)

Not good:
  • all the mix of ideas in the ERC site - screens plus gabion chimney, patterns all a bit incoherent in the end (ie. stick with one theme)
  • treatment of the south wall (ERC) wrt to heat loss etc
  • presentation: too many words (images and diagrams would do)
  • model: scale of the rocks, make smaller next time (eg. could use bean bag beans and plaster..)
Ideas to carry on with:
  • gabion material but continue theme somehow, patterns, geology etc?
  • perhaps go down into the ground instead of up?
  • internal private, protected space, external corridor/public spaces
Proposal work over break:

  1. Find at least 5 architectural examples of ideas you want to use
  2. Develop a strategy/proposal for accomodation and ERC (however, only develop one of these)
    • plan of your proposal (island plan)
    • materials
    • rough digital model

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