Friday, April 20, 2012


Site plan

Two accomodation sites to accomodation different visitor requirements. ERC, sited on woolshed site, will be the developed design.

Initial Concept

Internal central 'chimney' becomes a lookout & link between the floors, housing stairs (and lift).

Similar visual elements to landmark water tower on far end of island: tower, grass (roof)
From a distance, looks like a tower sitting on a hill - roof blends into the existing grass landscape - as visitors come closer, the building is revealed.

Underground Level

General features = skylight around East and South walls for daylighting - low E glass on East side.
  1.  research labs - privacy and security, skylights above the work benches providing daylight.
  2. storage area

Ground Level

  • Gabion wall on outer North wall to filter harsh sun; angles and positioning to let in Winter but not Summer sun. Internal glass wall? (ref. Herzog & De Meuron Dominus Winery)
  • Roof has long overhang to also help with shading.
  1. function room - lots of light, easy public access, split level to allow division into 2 smaller areas.
    • uses existing (or revamped) flooring with the split level left intact
    • slats remain, lined with strengthened glass underneath to provide visual links with ground and underground lab level
  2. ERC office, on Northwest corner for easy access by staff
  3. bathroom/toilet/shower/drying areas, South facing
  4. kitchen area, easy access to function room, circulation areas, outdoor living area
  5. circulation area, plus room for multimedia visitor information area (eg. videos of the island history etc)

Lookout Tower

Unlike the water tower, this one can be accessed by visitors to climb and get a different perspective of the island.
Tower also serves as the stairwell/liftwell.

Materials: rock, wood, glass, grass

Rough and irregular (rock), aging/changing (grass, wood) versus smooth and unchanging (glass)

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