Monday, April 30, 2012

Initial concept versionIII


Corten steel towers in the Madinat Al-Zahra Museum and Research Centre (above; Nieto Sobejano)

Skin ideas (tower)

Remez-Arlozorov Community Campus (Mayslits Kassif Architects)

Corten steel images

Planar House by Steven Holl
Corten steel panels give the kind of light I'm after, similar to the gabion walls of Dominus winery
Two skins - outer layer = corten steel, inner = glass.
Perforated with patterns like the gabion light.

For the tower...

Image below from
VaĆ­llo & Irigaray - Corten-steel ribs and solar-filtering wall made of recycled tires in the Audenasa office building, Navarra 2009:

See also the Folded House (x Architekten):

for a perforated corten screen

Friday, April 27, 2012

Initial Concept Models vII

Sunken courtyards, tower angled to show narrow profile when approaching (facing due North), sunken buildings, concealed entry

Materials II

Gabion - what appealed:
  • the thickness, the feeling of solidity and groundedness
  • the change that will occur over time to the rock - moss growing, weathering
  • the light that filters through internally
  • idea of using materials from the site itself - recycled building concrete, rock etc
HOWEVER - (a) decided I don't like the external aethestic of gabion walls unless en masse like the Dominus Winery and (b) rock is not a significant feature of the immediate landscape of Motuihe except on the coastline. So think about about different materials

Tower & structures that are seen: Corten Steel
  • shows passing of time/weathering
  • colours are sympathetic with rock, natural surroundings
  • clean lines can be achieved
  • could slice in some voids similar to those created by light passing through gabion a la Dominus Winery...

Contrasting external material: I was captivated by the polished stainless steel cladding on the Porsche Museum (Stuttgart) - Delugan Meissl - which gives a shimmering or transparent effect like ripples in the sea

But this won't fit with idea, so think of manipulating the tower - slits/cuts made in the steel panel.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thoughts on Underground Spaces

"...the idea of an underground space is fascinating because below ground, no outside point of view exists from which architecure can be observed. The architectural form becomes invisible. My only concern becomes the space that a person inside will perceive..." - Tadao Ando (Foreword to Underground Courts book).

The trip out to Motuihe takes you close to North Head (Devonport) with its underground tunnels - these intrigue me partly because of their history and also their unexpected presence (to me).

"In elevated places, you are released from the earthly environment, which allows contact with the celestial. In places deep in the earth, you are in touch with the origins of life, with Mother Earth herself...
It is natural to find peace in an undergound room. The inward, enclosed quality invites you to retreat inside yourself..." (Ernst von Meijenfeldt et al. 'Below Ground Level. Creating New Spaces for Contemporary Architecture' p21-22)

To me, buildings which leave the greatest impresson on me are not those that outwardly impress but those with long lasting impressions of their interior. The pantheon probably had the greatest effect on me, as a structure, because I did not get the full impact of the external building (perhaps if I'd had a bird's eye view, or been with a local Roman guide I would have) so when entering, the interior took my breath away. This could be analysed thus:
  • low expectations
  • minimal hints at what the interior would feel like before entering
  • light from above, the oculus
  • a strong feeling of enclosure plus a structure that draws your eye upwards rather than out
  • the overpowering sense of history, partly from the relics, but also from the materials used

Friday, April 20, 2012

Other Gabion Houses

Use of gabion wall as a heat sink - trome wall (sun from glass ceiling warms rocks during day which releases heat at night). See:

Architectural inspirations - Dominus Winery

Internal Light


Site plan

Two accomodation sites to accomodation different visitor requirements. ERC, sited on woolshed site, will be the developed design.

Initial Concept

Internal central 'chimney' becomes a lookout & link between the floors, housing stairs (and lift).

Similar visual elements to landmark water tower on far end of island: tower, grass (roof)
From a distance, looks like a tower sitting on a hill - roof blends into the existing grass landscape - as visitors come closer, the building is revealed.

Underground Level

General features = skylight around East and South walls for daylighting - low E glass on East side.
  1.  research labs - privacy and security, skylights above the work benches providing daylight.
  2. storage area

Ground Level

  • Gabion wall on outer North wall to filter harsh sun; angles and positioning to let in Winter but not Summer sun. Internal glass wall? (ref. Herzog & De Meuron Dominus Winery)
  • Roof has long overhang to also help with shading.
  1. function room - lots of light, easy public access, split level to allow division into 2 smaller areas.
    • uses existing (or revamped) flooring with the split level left intact
    • slats remain, lined with strengthened glass underneath to provide visual links with ground and underground lab level
  2. ERC office, on Northwest corner for easy access by staff
  3. bathroom/toilet/shower/drying areas, South facing
  4. kitchen area, easy access to function room, circulation areas, outdoor living area
  5. circulation area, plus room for multimedia visitor information area (eg. videos of the island history etc)

Lookout Tower

Unlike the water tower, this one can be accessed by visitors to climb and get a different perspective of the island.
Tower also serves as the stairwell/liftwell.

Materials: rock, wood, glass, grass

Rough and irregular (rock), aging/changing (grass, wood) versus smooth and unchanging (glass)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Feedback & Proposal


  • the materials and what could be done with them
  • rationale for things (generally)

Not good:
  • all the mix of ideas in the ERC site - screens plus gabion chimney, patterns all a bit incoherent in the end (ie. stick with one theme)
  • treatment of the south wall (ERC) wrt to heat loss etc
  • presentation: too many words (images and diagrams would do)
  • model: scale of the rocks, make smaller next time (eg. could use bean bag beans and plaster..)
Ideas to carry on with:
  • gabion material but continue theme somehow, patterns, geology etc?
  • perhaps go down into the ground instead of up?
  • internal private, protected space, external corridor/public spaces
Proposal work over break:

  1. Find at least 5 architectural examples of ideas you want to use
  2. Develop a strategy/proposal for accomodation and ERC (however, only develop one of these)
    • plan of your proposal (island plan)
    • materials
    • rough digital model