Saturday, June 16, 2012

Final 3D print model

This was produced using my Revit model - converted to an STL file using a plugin (see Revit blog for details). Turned out better than I had hoped:)
It was eventually mounted into my site model so the circular courtyard was flush with the top surface (not sitting above as it is here).

Friday, May 11, 2012

Feedback on v6

  • break up the roof more - ie. light, lower some sections
  • connection to courtyard - experiment with continuing the green roof/earth downwards to the ground, like a normal landscape (with nothing holding it up - precarious)
  • courtyard corner on SW, get rid of this
  • tower, enliven - go with second skin idea with corten steel perforations, more at top, lit at the top, able to see out at the top, almost transparent
  • venting to allow cooling tower effect
  • perhaps have another 'tower' element within the building, same/similar materials, but much lower, ie. may function as a connection between level 0 and 1 or as a light tower

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Green roof/facade

Could use some of the roof and/or underside for the nursery.
'House near Brussels' Philippe Samyn & Partners: article

Consorcio - Santiago, Enrique Browne, facade = inner curtain wall with outer vegetation layer which changes colour with the seasons.

Pioneer headquarters, Chile, Enrique Browne

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Manipulating views

 dai nagasaka / méga: a house in omiya


elise morin + clémence eliard: wastelandscape - CD installation
atelier 11: pan long gu valley conference and exhibition center - China

atelier 11: pan long gu church

iotti + pavarani architetti wins renzo piano award for domus technica - roofscape contains a 'landscape' of solar panels

aedas: express rail link west kowloon terminus

shop architects: botswana innovation hub
...the client’s brief was for an iconic yet timeless building which employed the most cutting-edge green
technology’s design uses a variety of sustainable techniques,
including an 'energy blanket' roofscape, which combines passive and active
sustainable energy techniques. the roof design of the botswana innovation hub incorporates large
overhangs to passively shade the building’s interior volumes, mechanisms to collect and re-use water,
and both passive and active photovoltaic systems to harness solar energy. the combination of these
technologies will offset at least half of the building’s operational energy costs. where the roof slope
prevents optimal solar collection, a low-maintenance roof garden collects and filters rainwater. this
harvested water supports both the roof garden and the bioswales downstream in the courtyards

rene van zuuk architekten: de verbeelding
... three hinged volumes that form a twisting roof-scape and elongated form. a series
of identical trusses are slightly offset, differing in their relation to the ground to create a
subtly unfolding design that is evident on both the inside and the outside

Friday, May 4, 2012

Cross crit

  • creating a new landmark:
    • consider the feeling of the existing landmark (water tower) and replicate this?
    • how does this relate to the existing tower? is there a relationship? can you see them both at the same time?
    • make the tower more prominent - colour, height
    • minimise visual impact of the ground level building forms**
    • nice to have something to aim for/to see and know that is where you have to walk to - a visual destination, landmark etc
  • **minimising the visual impact of the ground level forms:
    • green roof
    • build up the south sides with dirt to make a new landscape there - need to consider then how to ensure light enters labs from above on the South side.
    • green roof will emphasis the inside/outside blurring
    • glazing on north and west walls to give reflections
  • lookout function:
    • consider how the roof below will look - green roof will fit here nicely...
    • stairs
  • connection between tower & accommodation/labs:
    • an open ramp - inside/outside, external but covered? would need to consider how this shades the void
    • ramp down between the two blocks to access the void
    • doors between the 2 blocks via the void
    • access to accommodation from the South as well, then down to the labs
  • treatment of the void:
    • green wall on the east facing wall, perhaps with deciduous vines to give more light during winter
    • ramp down from north side?
    • ramp across the void from tower to accommodation

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation systems rely on pressure differences to move fresh air through buildings - pressure differences can be caused by wind or the buoyancy effect created by temperature differences or differences in humidity. 
In either case, the size and placement of openings in the building is critical - useful to think of a natural ventilation system as a circuit, with equal consideration given to supply and exhaust. 
Wind causes a positive pressure on the windward side and a negative pressure on the leeward side of buildings. To equalize pressure, fresh air will enter any windward opening and be exhausted from any leeward opening. 
Buoyancy ventilation may be temperature-induced (stack ventilation) or humidity induced (cool tower). The two can be combined by having a cool tower deliver evaporatively cooled air low in a space, and then rely on the increased buoyancy of the humid air as it warms to exhaust air from the space through a stack.
NB. cool towers should be used in conjunction with stack ventilation of the space in order to ensure stability of the flow. 
Buoyancy results from the difference in air density:  cool air is heavier than warm, and dry air is heavier than humid at the same temperature. 
Within a cool tower, the effect of temperature and humidity are pulling in opposite directions (temperature down, humidity up). 
Within a room, heat and humidity given off by occupants and other internal sources both tend to make air rise. The stale, heated air escapes from openings in the ceiling or roof and permits fresh air to enter lower openings to replace it. 
Stack effect ventilation is effective in winter, when indoor/outdoor temperature difference is at a maximum but not so effective in summer (wind or humidity drivers would be preferred) because it requires that the indoors be warmer than outdoors (not desirable in summer). However, a chimney heated by solar energy can be used to drive the stack effect without increasing room temperature.
NB. Cool tower ventilation is only effective where outdoor humidity is very low. 

Solar Chimney (or thermal chimney)

= a way of improving the natural ventilation of buildings by using convection of air heated by passive solar energy. A simple description of a solar chimney is that of a vertical shaft utilizing solar energy to enhance the natural stack ventilation through a building.


(1) Downward in flow of air due to direct wind entry

The badgir = an architectural feature to cool the inside of the dwelling, often used in combination with courtyards and domes as an overall ventilation / heat management strategy. 
The malqaf =  essentially a tall, capped tower with one face open at the top. This open side faces the prevailing wind, thus 'catching' it, and bringing it down the tower into the heart of the building to maintain air flow, thus cooling the interior of the building. This is the most direct way of drawing air into the building, but importantly it does not necessarily cool the air, but relies on a rate of air flow to provide a cooling effect. 
This use of the malqaf or windcatcher has been employed in this manner for thousands of years, as detailed by contemporary Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy.

(2) Upward flow of air due to a wind assisted temperature gradient

 NB. qanat = underground canal. The open side of the tower faces away from the direction of the prevailing wind so air is drawn upwards using the Coandă effect, similar to how opening the one facing towards the wind would pull air down into the shaft.
As there is now a pressure differential on one side of the building, air is drawn down into the passage on the other side. This hot air is brought down into the qanat tunnel, and is cooled by the combination of coming into contact with the cold earth (as it is several meters below ground, the earth stays continuously cool) as well as the cold water running through the qanat. The air is therefore cooled significantly, and is then drawn up through the windcatcher by the same Coandă effect. This brings cool air up through the building, cooling the structure overall, with the water vapour from the qanat having an added cooling effect.

(3) Upward flow of air due to a solar produced temperature gradient
Finally, in a windless environment or waterless house, a windcatcher functions as a solar chimney. 
It creates a pressure gradient which allows less dense hot air to travel upwards and escape out the top. This is also aided by the day-night cycle, trapping cool air below; temperature in such an environment cannot drop below the nightly low temperature. 
When coupled with thick adobe that exhibits good heat transmission resistance qualities, the windcatcher is able to chill lower level spaces in mosques and houses (e.g. shabestan) in the middle of the day to frigid temperatures (windcatchers in Persian architecture have been routinely used as a refrigerating device for ages). The evaporative cooling effect is strongest in the driest climates.

General design considerations

  • Maximize wind-induced ventilation by siting the ridge/long facade of a building perpendicular to the summer winds.
  • Naturally ventilated buildings should be narrow.
  • Each room should have two separate supply and exhaust openings.
    •  Locate exhaust high and inlet low - to maximize stack effect. 
    • Orient windows across the room and offset from each other to maximize mixing within the room while minimizing the obstructions to airflow within the room.
  • Window openings should be operable by the occupants.
  • Provide ridge vents (an opening at the highest point in the roof that offers a good outlet for both buoyancy and wind-induced ventilation).
  • Consider the use of clerestories or vented skylights.
    • good for night time thermal comfort in houses to vent heated/warm air that rises, and allow heat to be radiated into the cold; also a good outlet for wind driven ventilation
  •  Allow for adequate internal airflow
  • Consider the use of fan-assisted cooling strategies
  • Determine if the building will benefit from an open- or closed-building ventilation approach.
    • A closed-building approach works well in hot, dry climates where there is a large variation in temperature from day to night. A massive building is ventilated at night, then, closed in the morning to keep out the hot daytime air. Occupants are then cooled by radiant exchange with the massive walls and floor.
    • An open-building approach works well in warm and humid areas, where the temperature does not change much from day to night. In this case, daytime cross-ventilation is encouraged to maintain indoor temperatures close to outdoor temperatures.
  • Use mechanical cooling in hot, humid climates.
  • Try to allow natural ventilation to cool the mass of the building at night in hot climates.
  • Open staircases provide stack effect ventilation, but observe all fire and smoke precautions for enclosed stairways.
  • Increase air supply intake by ensuring no outside obstruction (such as vegetation or site objects) nor inside obstruction (such as furniture and interior partition) obstruct inlet openings
  • Have at least a 3m height between floor and ceiling (?)
  • Window areas should not be excessive and be protected by exterior shading devices
  • Reduce the possibility of wall warming by the sun:
    • light-coloured building exteriors
    • trees/shrubs to provide shading and evaporative cooling
    • grass and other groundcover to keep ground temperatures low
    • ponds and fountains to enhance evaporative cooling
Many of the above either increase the air flow or lower the heat gain so that the natural ventilation can effectively cool the spaces in the building. 
Mechanical cooling and ventilation systems will be used to supplement the natural ventilation. By lowering the heat gains, the less air flow will be required to remove the heat, thus there will be a lesser need for mechanical cooling systems.